In 1989, Troy was convicted of the murder of off-duty police officer Mark MacPhail, despite the fact that there was no physical evidence tying him to the crime. Since then, seven of the original nine witnesses who claimed Troy was guilty have recanted, with several saying they were coerced by police into making false statements.
Despite compelling evidence that Troy was wrongly convicted, the state of Georgia has tried to push forward with his execution three times in the past two years and has resisted all attempts to have crucial evidence heard in court.
On April 16, the Federal court rejected Troy Davis’ appeal. Judge Rosemary Barkett dissented and wrote, “To execute Davis, in the face of a significant amount of proffered evidence that may establish his actual innocence, is unconscionable and unconstitutional”.
The 30-day stay issued by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals expires on May 15th.
So now is the time for us to organizeto save the life of Troy Anthony Davis. We're asking everybody to come out strong on May 19th – a day marked in human rights calendars across the world as the Global Day of Action for Troy Davis.
Tuesday, May 19th, 12pm
Outside the Hall of Justice
(17 East Main St, Rochester, NY)
A factsheet about Troy's case is available on Amnesty International's Website.
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