Socialism has entered mainstream discussion. And why wouldn't it? It's clear that capitalism and the free market doesn't work. We are in the midst of the deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression. And workers are being forced to pay for the failures of the system (foreclosures, budget cuts, job losses) while Wallstreet gets bailed out with billions.
So what's the alternative to a system run by a small minority in the interest of profit? Socialists argue that the alternative worth fighting for is a system in which workers run society based on direct democracy in the workplace.
The Russian Revolution in 1917 succeeded in overthrowing capitalism and establishing a workers' government for length of time. For the first time in history, ordinary people controlled their own lives collectively and democratically. Join us for a talk and discussion on why we should look to the Russian Revolution as an example of what Socialism in practice looks like:
Thursday, May 21st, 7:30pm
Underground Railroad Cafe
480 West Main Street
Background Readings:
Part I: http://www.isreview.org/issues/58/feat-trotskyhistory.shtml
Part II: http://www.isreview.org/issues/60/feat-trotsky.shtml
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