They said Marx was dead. Then came the realities of globalization. Then came endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then came the greatest economic crisis sisnce the Great Depression. Now, Marx's ideas seem to explain the world a lot better than what you see on Fox News.
But Marx also predicted that the inequalities of capitalism would give rise to resistance. And we've only just begun to see the emergence of a new generation of struggles, from the protests for immigrant rights, to the factory occupations of workers in Chicago, to the massive outpouring of solidarity with the people of Gaza and Palestine.
Socialists believe that these struggles can be joined to fight for a different type of society. Come to a discussion of Marx's ideas and how they apply to today. As Marx said, "philosophers have only interpreted the world, the point is to change it."
Thursday, April 30th, 7:30pm
RIT Library "Idea Factory"
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