THE STATE of Georgia is attempting to execute an innocent man--again.
Troy's case has long stood as one of the worst examples of the bias and flaws inherent in the death penalty system. He was convicted of murdering off-duty police officer Mark MacPhail in 1989, but there has long been compelling evidence of his innocence.
Even so, Georgia officials are pushing to kill Troy--and have scheduled his execution for 7 p.m. on September 21.
In response, activists in the U.S. and around the globe are gearing up to send one message to Georgia officials: Don't allow an innocent man to be executed!
Join us Thursday, September 15 for a forum about why we should defend Troy and abolish the racist death penalty.
Join us Friday at the Federal Building, 100 State St., for a rally and speak out to defend Troy.
For Updates, visit the Campaign to End the Death Penalty:
There's a flyer you can print and distribute up at http://threebean.org/TroyDavisFlyer.pdf