Endless war and plummeting living standards are hallmarks of the capitalist system in the 21st century. But 2011 brings hope! From Cairo, Egypt to Madison, WI, ordinary people are taking matters into their own hands and fighting back against the bankers, bosses, and despots.
Come out, hear Deepa Kumar speak on capitalism, the alternative (that we call socialism!), and the prospects for radical social change in the 21st century.
Deepa Kumar is the author of “Outside the Box: Corporate Media, Globalization and the UPS Strike” and is an Associate Professor of Media Studies at Rutgers University.
To get you stoked, here's a video of Deepa speaking on US Imperialism and Oil Politics.
-- SUNY Brockport: Thursday, April 21, 6:30pm. Seymour College Union.
Topic: From Cairo to Madison: Revolution in the Air
-- Rochester Institute of Technology: Friday, April 22, 7:00pm. "Idea Factory" in the RIT Library.
Topic: From Cairo to Madison: Revolution in the Air
-- Flying Squirrel Community Space Saturday, April 23, 11:00am. 285 Clarissa Street.
Topic: Islamophobia and War: The Scapegoating of Arabs and Muslims in America
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