Tuesday, September 15, 2015

SYRIZA: Crisis and Resistance in Greece

The victory of SYRIZA in the Greek elections in early 2015 represented the best chance of the Left to turn the tide against the programs of austerity and neoliberalism but the events since then have proven to be a roller coaster with plenty of ups and downs.

At our weekly meeting this Thursday (09/17), the RIT branch of the ISO will be taking up these questions and more:
  • What even is SYRIZA and why should we care?
  • How did they even win in the first place?
  • What happened since then?  People are talking about "betrayal"(!)
  • As US-based socialists, what lessons can we learn from the events?
  • What's next for the Left in Greece and abroad?
Everyone should make a best effort to read up before-hand (to help better form questions and discussion -- there's a lot to figure out and a world to win, after all):

For background on the whole situation (written before SYRIZA won in February):

For the latest updates:

The branch meeting is at the regular time and place:

  • Thursday, 09/17 at 7:00pm in room 1010 of the Campus Center, RIT.


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