Socialists assert that Capitalism and Racism are interwoven, one cannot exist without the other. That we must link the fight against raci...

Welcome to the official website of the International Socialist Organization, Rochester Branch.
Socialists assert that Capitalism and Racism are interwoven, one cannot exist without the other. That we must link the fight against raci...
The victory of SYRIZA in the Greek elections in early 2015 represented the best chance of the Left to turn the tide against the programs o...
The racism of police violence. Climate change. Sexism and homophobia. War. Economic inequality. The injustices of American society st...
July 2-5 Four days of radical politics, debate, and entertainment Register today! Socialism 2015 is a four-day conference bringing ...
"It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, a...
The world we live in seems so thoroughly rigged to benefit those at the top, and so thoroughly impervious to change from below, that many ...
This week (2015-03-11) we will be having an educational meeting, featuring a discussion on Lenin and the right of nations to self-determinat...
Thursday, 2/26 @ 7pm in the Golisano Bldg. Rm# 70-1400 The people of Greece have voted for radical change in the recent January elections,...
This week is an educational discussion on Trotsky's Theory of the United Front. Attached are readings in preparation for this discussio...
Tuesday Feb. 17th: Red Reading Room Thursday Feb 19th (Educational): Trotsky and The United Fron...
As communities around the nation have taken to the streets in the ongoing movement against police brutality the question of the police and...