The Rochester City Branch of the International Socialist Organization meets every Thursday at 7:00 PM in room MC-1 of the Miller Center at ...

Welcome to the official website of the International Socialist Organization, Rochester Branch.
The Rochester City Branch of the International Socialist Organization meets every Thursday at 7:00 PM in room MC-1 of the Miller Center at ...
For information about the Rochester contingent, including carpooling, logistics, and fundraising, call 585-MUST-ISO (585-687-8476) or em...
The Rochester City Branch of the International Socialist Organization meets every Thursday at 7:00 PM in room MC-1 of the Miller Center at...
Update: In light of the recent attacks in Boston, instead of the second point on "Why Socialists Defend Palestine", Branch Comm...
"I've been told I'm not supposed to say this, however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized....
Rochester ISO will be attending the EcoSocialist Conference in New York City on April 20. If you're planning to go and would like to ...
The Rochester City Branch meeting of the International Socialist Organization's April 11 meeting starts at 7:00pm at the Miller Center ...