The 2010 Rochester Marxist Conference presents THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS OF KARL MARX A serious crisis demands serious ideas October 15th - 16...

Welcome to the official website of the International Socialist Organization, Rochester Branch.
The 2010 Rochester Marxist Conference presents THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS OF KARL MARX A serious crisis demands serious ideas October 15th - 16...
Thursday, September 23 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm RIT: Bamboo Room in the new "Campus Center" Facebook Event Link Ann Wright was part...
Week of: September 13th, 2010 (Matt Swagler | SW) Thousands of people descended on Lower Manhattan on September 11 for rival protests...
Join us for our Fall Kick-off meeting Thursday, September 16th at 7:30pm RIT Library, in the "Idea Factory" A presentation by l...
For Marxists, there is an indissoluble interrelation between ideas and what we do: theory and practice. The theory of Marxism draws upon the...
Motts Workers On-Strike!!! Hear it directly from the workers. Please consider joining the workers on the picket line! Delegates to the Roche...
A WEEKEND OF REVOLUTIONARY POLITICS, DEBATE, AND ENTERTAINMENT Register today and join over two dozen of us going from Rochester! Email: ISO...
Come to a meeting on why and how we must fight to DEFEND PUBLIC EDUCATION Calling all students, faculty, parents, and staff to attend ...
The People Speak a documentary by Howard Zinn, Anthony Arnove, and Chris Moore April 16, 2010 at 5PM RIT Building 1, Room 2000 Inspire...
Call for a community-wide effort to plan, organize, and mobilize for a May Day demonstration. FULL EQUALITY FOR ALL BAILOUT WORKERS, NOT THE...
In the spirit and tradition of Howard Zinn 's "A People's History" series, the ISO presents... A PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF ...
THE AMERICAN RADICALISM FILM SERIES PRESENTS: "Finally Got the News" the story of the Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement (DRUM). ...
Local Contact: Tom Middleton Viva Palestina Convoy Member 585.739.5578 Brian Lenzo, organizer and press liason ...